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You are a Superstar wherever you go!

The return of the classic models is always in trend. I am personally addicted to New Balance and Nike models for my active lifestyle, but who can stand indifferent to the new Adidas Superstar Rose Gold. Such a fine and elegant version of our well-known Superstar. One of the ways, in which I express myself, is my look. I love to create contrast notes in my vision – starting from official cocktail dress combined with sneakers to training suit with stiletto. Especially, the new Superstar Rose Gold gives me the feeling of an official outlook even with sporty clothes.

The iconic Superstar 80s silhouette gets a Deluxe treatement in a classic colourway that pays homage to the trainer’s original basket roots.

And here some interesting facts I would share with you. Who could guess that in times of its appearance in 1969 Adidas Superstar would reach much more far away than the basketball field? Although the shoe is created like a low-top basketball shoe, its revolutionary design touched easily all secular environments except the sports one. Nicknamed “shelltoe”, in the 80s it became an absolute must in the hip-hop clichés. Moreover, those sneakers made a major influence in the shoe culture.

And so on till today when it is classically modern to have your pair of Adidas Superstar in your wardrobe for daily activities, for special occasions or even for work. In any case, you remain a Superstar, and that will be always in trend.


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